3x3 Basketball / 3x3 Basketball Men
No Player Team Points scored Matches Average
3 Gerganov Georgi University of Shumen 82 7 11.7
35 Mikstas Augustinas Vytautas Magnus University 70 9 7.8
22 Janusevicius Titas Vytautas Magnus University 63 9 7.0
23 Ciotlaus Marius Mihai Polytechnic University of Bucharest 59 9 6.6
24 Nicolescu Nicolae Bogdan Polytechnic University of Bucharest 56 9 6.2
1 Yahiaoui Zayd Nantes University 54 7 7.7
3 Luengo Mateo Pablo University of Valencia 54 9 6.0
4 Drenik Martin University of Ljubljana 51 9 5.7
1 Selimovic Jusuf University of Vienna 49 7 7.0
2 Krizanic David University of Ljubljana 48 9 5.3
2 Dalmau Roig Javier University of Valencia 48 9 5.3
1 Oberlajt Jaka University of Ljubljana 47 9 5.2
35 Blumbergs Ginters Ansis Riga Stradins University 46 6 7.7
17 Nunes Francisco University of Aveiro 46 7 6.6
6 Nebot Zaion University of Le Havre 43 6 7.2
8 Carvalhal Pedro University of Aveiro 43 7 6.1
13 Martinez Cucalon Nicolas University of Alicante 42 5 8.4
4 Bellver Valiente Alejandro University of Valencia 39 9 4.3
17 Casale Amedeo Angelo Polytechnic University of Bucharest 39 9 4.3
20 Zak Dominik University Palacky Olomouc 37 6 6.2
2 Kulic - Nikolic Zvonimir University of Split 37 5 7.4
3 Bruns Tim German Sport University Cologne 36 5 7.2
7 Bakon Csanad Szechenyi Istvan University 35 5 7.0
34 Ciuca Nicolae Marian Polytechnic University of Bucharest 34 9 3.8
8 Zilde Davis Matiss Riga Stradins University 34 6 5.7
10 Cs'ik Richard Corvinus University of Budapest 33 6 5.5
3 Hamon Joran Nantes University 33 7 4.7
25 Balaban Yevhen Sumy State University 33 6 5.5
29 Noeres Moritz University of Tubingen 32 6 5.3
4 Dosen Fran University of Zagreb 32 6 5.3
1 Dumur Cesar University of Valencia 32 9 3.6
12 Kabatsiura Illia Sumy State University 31 6 5.2
4 Gaspar Matyas University of Debrecen 30 5 6.0
9 Tomaschek Janis University of Vienna 30 7 4.3
28 Schwaibold Joshua University of Tubingen 30 6 5.0
4 Ivanov Rosen University of Shumen 30 7 4.3
9 Celka Gabrielius Vytautas Magnus University 29 9 3.2
15 Sinani Arber University of Pristina 29 5 5.8
16 Torra Planas Artus University of Girona 28 6 4.7
7 Kaltenbrunner Steven University of Vienna 27 7 3.9
3 Trazivuk Karlo University of Zagreb 27 6 4.5
53 Lebskas Nojus Vytautas Magnus University 26 9 2.9
14 Radics Gerzson Corvinus University of Budapest 26 6 4.3
4 Obiejesi Steven Nantes University 26 7 3.7
22 Klepac Erik University Palacky Olomouc 25 6 4.2
3 Haskic Elmir University of Ljubljana 25 9 2.8
2 Pasquier Jeffte Nantes University 25 7 3.6
6 Startsev Serhii Sumy State University 24 6 4.0
12 Closset Martinez Didier University of Alicante 24 5 4.8
15 Kenesis Kristupas Vilnius University 24 5 4.8
6 Diaz Cabanas Ferran University of Girona 23 6 3.8
10 Dumenil Arthur University of Le Havre 23 6 3.8
2 Pollak Balazs Istvan University of Debrecen 23 5 4.6
15 Hagen Tamas Szechenyi Istvan University 23 5 4.6
13 Boughanem Teo University of Le Havre 22 6 3.7
5 Rimkus Dovydas Vilnius University 22 5 4.4
35 Fuentes Pelufo Octavi University of Girona 22 6 3.7
31 Thieme Louis University of Tubingen 21 6 3.5
9 Merkl Barna Marton University of Pecs 21 5 4.2
5 Sedlar Roko University of Zagreb 21 6 3.5
12 Rimkus Tautvydas Vilnius University 20 5 4.0
1 Alijaj Adhurim University of Pristina 19 5 3.8
14 Muller Matyas University Palacky Olomouc 19 6 3.2
1 Dosen Lovro University of Zagreb 18 6 3.0
13 Kuznecovs Nikita Riga Stradins University 18 6 3.0
20 Galambos Arpad Corvinus University of Budapest 18 6 3.0
1 Caldeira Salvador University of Aveiro 17 7 2.4
3 Horvath Botond University of Debrecen 17 5 3.4
6 Aleliunas Marius Vilnius University 17 5 3.4
34 Salavedra Vilarnau Jofre University of Girona 17 6 2.8
20 Nazario Tiago University of Aveiro 16 7 2.3
4 Mastelic Vatroslav University of Split 16 5 3.2
3 Grandperret Yann University of Vienna 15 7 2.1
12 Beres Benedek Corvinus University of Budapest 15 6 2.5
13 Zsok Aron University of Pecs 14 5 2.8
0 Kelemen Benjamin University of Pecs 14 5 2.8
9 Nosek Jakub University Palacky Olomouc 13 6 2.2
11 Islamaj Arti University of Pristina 12 5 2.4
1 Cevra Marko University of Split 12 5 2.4
3 Fölbach Jakob University of Split 11 5 2.2
24 Makolli Drin University of Pristina 11 5 2.2
2 Ruskov Plamen University of Shumen 10 7 1.4
4 Velazquez Balsera Carlos University of Alicante 10 5 2.0
5 Banfi Balazs University of Pecs 10 5 2.0
5 Varbiró Gergő University of Debrecen 10 5 2.0
9 Kaman Kristof Szechenyi Istvan University 10 5 2.0
9 Filonenko Ivan Sumy State University 9 6 1.5
9 Krumins Martins Riga Stradins University 9 6 1.5
2 Kark Daniel German Sport University Cologne 8 5 1.6
1 Elkenhans Tim German Sport University Cologne 8 5 1.6
26 Bilge Rick University of Tubingen 7 6 1.2
4 Schoene Jesse German Sport University Cologne 5 5 1.0
12 Diallo Hamara University of Le Havre 4 6 0.7
13 Varga Zoltan Szechenyi Istvan University 3 5 0.6
1 Georgiev Simeon University of Shumen 3 7 0.4
10 Guillo Oliver Antonio Vicente University of Alicante 1 5 0.2