Water Polo / Water Polo Men
No Player Team Points scored Matches Average
4 Sziladi Kristof Corvinus University of Budapest 25 6 4.2
5 G'abor Lorinc Corvinus University of Budapest 24 6 4.0
5 Tur'an Andr'as Budapest University of Technology and Economics 23 6 3.8
9 Garancsy Andras Budapest Business University 22 6 3.7
10 Burburan Noa University of Rijeka 21 6 3.5
3 Hrvatic Bruno University of Split 17 6 2.8
8 Korbacs Gabor Corvinus University of Budapest 16 6 2.7
11 Molnar Gergely Budapest Business University 15 6 2.5
10 B'ek'esi Bulcsú Budapest University of Technology and Economics 15 6 2.5
8 Akrap Duje University of Split 14 4 3.5
8 Macsi Patrik University of Debrecen 14 6 2.3
11 Toth-gili Tamas University of Pecs 13 6 2.2
2 Aranyi Attila University of Pecs 13 4 3.3
6 Blazic Marko University of Rijeka 12 6 2.0
3 Sari Burak Ozyegin University 12 6 2.0
12 Galambos Gergely Alex University of Pecs 12 6 2.0
5 Stefanidesz Laszlo Levente University of Debrecen 11 6 1.8
8 Kovacs Gergo Budapest Business University 11 5 2.2
5 Kereszturi Marton University of Pecs 11 6 1.8
12 Aranyi Mate Attila Budapest Business University 11 6 1.8
5 Dodoja Luka University of Split 10 6 1.7
7 Balogh M'aty'as Corvinus University of Budapest 9 6 1.5
10 Zerinvary Lorand Csongor Budapest Business University 9 6 1.5
7 Gorseval Ilhan Cem Ozyegin University 9 6 1.5
8 Batizi Benedek Budapest University of Technology and Economics 9 6 1.5
12 V'amosi Bertold Corvinus University of Budapest 9 6 1.5
7 Stojanac Robert University of Split 8 6 1.3
8 Juric Filip University of Rijeka 8 6 1.3
12 Macsi Martin University of Debrecen 7 6 1.2
9 Bezer Roko University of Split 7 6 1.2
6 Majnik Mark University of Pecs 7 6 1.2
7 Hegedus Csanad Budapest Business University 6 6 1.0
3 Korban Richard Budapest Business University 6 6 1.0
2 Herczeg Gergo Gabor Budapest Business University 6 6 1.0
9 Alm'asi Patrick Roland Budapest University of Technology and Economics 5 4 1.3
12 Sunjic Luka University of Rijeka 5 6 0.8
5 Caferli Kemal Ata Ozyegin University 5 6 0.8
9 Zsilak Laszlo University of Debrecen 5 6 0.8
4 Somorjai Sebestyen University of Debrecen 5 6 0.8
10 Dilek Gokmen Mehmet Ozyegin University 5 6 0.8
4 Magyar Bence Budapest Business University 5 6 0.8
3 Kubicza 'ad'am Budapest University of Technology and Economics 5 6 0.8
4 Farkas Bence Budapest University of Technology and Economics 4 6 0.7
6 Domj'an D'avid Corvinus University of Budapest 4 6 0.7
1 Ipek Omer Faruk Ozyegin University 4 6 0.7
9 Jambor Laszlo Bendeguz University of Pecs 4 6 0.7
2 Szepes Aron Corvinus University of Budapest 4 6 0.7
10 Kardos Marton University of Debrecen 4 6 0.7
12 Cetin Subutay Bartu Ozyegin University 4 6 0.7
7 Kis Ferenc Agoston University of Debrecen 4 6 0.7
11 Uvodic Petar University of Split 3 6 0.5
3 Krizsai Bence University of Debrecen 3 6 0.5
9 Szaló Tam'as Botond Corvinus University of Budapest 3 6 0.5
4 Akrap Roko University of Split 3 2 1.5
2 Krizsai Adam University of Debrecen 3 6 0.5
4 Smokvina Toni University of Rijeka 3 6 0.5
2 Terenyei Edmond Budapest University of Technology and Economics 3 6 0.5
12 Budisa Duje University of Split 3 6 0.5
4 Varga Akos University of Pecs 3 6 0.5
11 Szoke Benedek Peter Corvinus University of Budapest 3 4 0.8
5 Boroczky Marcell Budapest Business University 3 6 0.5
7 Szilagyi Abel University of Pecs 2 6 0.3
9 Marsanic Lorenzo University of Rijeka 2 6 0.3
8 Palatinus Erik University of Pecs 2 6 0.3
3 Gelencser Akos University of Pecs 2 4 0.5
11 Sklepic Filip University of Rijeka 2 6 0.3
7 Fazekas Don'at Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2 6 0.3
5 Nemet Eric University of Rijeka 2 6 0.3
2 Bozan Jure University of Split 2 6 0.3
2 Yalcin Can Ozyegin University 1 6 0.2
4 Kahraman Ahmet Ali Ozyegin University 1 4 0.3
6 Seeler Botond Krisztian Budapest Business University 1 6 0.2
10 Matesz Andras Corvinus University of Budapest 1 6 0.2
6 M'esz'aros Bence Budapest University of Technology and Economics 1 6 0.2
11 Gokalp Sarp Ozyegin University 0 6 0.0
12 V'ig Levente Budapest University of Technology and Economics 0 4 0.0
6 Katona Gabor University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
10 Gergo Bence Robert University of Pecs 0 6 0.0
11 Pr'aczky Bal'azs Budapest University of Technology and Economics 0 6 0.0
9 Isler Arda Yuksel Ozyegin University 0 6 0.0
3 Babic Paolo University of Rijeka 0 4 0.0
1 Mizsei M'arton Budapest University of Technology and Economics 0 6 0.0
6 Gokceler Yusuf Bora Ozyegin University 0 6 0.0
8 Eroglu Ali Arda Ozyegin University 0 6 0.0
13 Milosevic Nikola University of Rijeka 0 6 0.0
1 Sipos Benjamin University of Pecs 0 6 0.0
1 Somorjai Peter University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
1 Papai David Corvinus University of Budapest 0 6 0.0
10 Soso Goran University of Split 0 6 0.0
13 Horompő Botond Corvinus University of Budapest 0 5 0.0
13 Rozgonyi Adam Budapest Business University 0 6 0.0
13 Nagy R'obert Budapest University of Technology and Economics 0 6 0.0
1 Kordic Marin University of Split 0 6 0.0
2 Petrovic Duro University of Rijeka 0 6 0.0
13 Kilic Mehmet Seref Ozyegin University 0 6 0.0
13 Celar Martin University of Split 0 6 0.0
1 Korom Daniel Budapest Business University 0 5 0.0
13 Gergely Bence University of Debrecen 0 5 0.0
13 Nagy Peter Donat University of Pecs 0 6 0.0
11 Szilagyi Botond University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
7 Kordic Leo University of Rijeka 0 6 0.0