Basketball / Basketball Men
No Player Team Points scored Matches Average
17 Cebolla Herrera Joaquin University of Seville 131 6 21.8
12 Roub Martin University of Pardubice 124 6 20.7
8 Conti Federico Turin Polytechnic 114 6 19.0
5 Toefte Christian Dischington Norwegian University of Science and Technology 112 6 18.7
28 Baldini Giacomo University of Genova 110 6 18.3
24 Musiał Jakub Gdansk University of Technology 106 6 17.7
8 Deneve Hugo University of Liège 105 6 17.5
52 Zdanavicius Tomas Vytautas Magnus University 101 6 16.8
4 Vecerina Simone University of Genova 99 6 16.5
23 Ciotlaus Marius Mihai Polytechnic University of Bucharest 97 5 19.4
5 Pais Guilherme University of Lisbon 95 6 15.8
9 Conti Alberto University of Bologna 95 6 15.8
9 Guedes Afonso University of Lisbon 93 6 15.5
2 Sapaly Nathan University of Pardubice 92 6 15.3
13 Karlsen Johan Edvard Norwegian University of Science and Technology 89 6 14.8
12 Haskic Elmir University of Ljubljana 86 6 14.3
7 Jimenez Gonzalez Jose Alberto University of Seville 85 6 14.2
5 Kupke Georg Richard Technical University of Dresden 79 6 13.2
51 Kozys Vitalijus Vytautas Magnus University 78 6 13.0
3 Schadeck Samuel University of Liège 77 6 12.8
14 Neuwirth Bence University of Debrecen 76 6 12.7
7 Domrös Lorenz Gabriel Technical University of Dresden 75 6 12.5
35 Popa Bogdan Stefan Polytechnic University of Bucharest 74 6 12.3
3 Cvitanovic Luka University of Zagreb 74 6 12.3
13 Varszegi Adam University of Debrecen 73 6 12.2
13 Drenik Martin University of Ljubljana 72 6 12.0
95 Margott Ben Technical University of Dresden 71 6 11.8
14 Ristori Ruiz Serrano Federico University of Seville 71 6 11.8
0 Kozak Marton University of Miskolc 71 6 11.8
21 Arletti Gianmarco University of Bologna 71 6 11.8
9 Paoli Matteo University of Genova 68 6 11.3
77 Grasu Stefan Iulian Polytechnic University of Bucharest 68 6 11.3
9 Toth Bence Miklos University of Miskolc 65 6 10.8
11 Bergsjordet Mats Norwegian University of Science and Technology 64 6 10.7
46 SidareviČius Adomas Vytautas Magnus University 63 6 10.5
11 Nikolic Stefan University of Bologna 63 6 10.5
18 Nakic-vojnovic Ivan University of Zagreb 63 6 10.5
31 Ramanauskas Justinas Vytautas Magnus University 63 6 10.5
35 Mikstas Augustinas Vytautas Magnus University 63 6 10.5
10 Wasowicz Adam Gdansk University of Technology 61 6 10.2
2 Kozak Bertalan University of Miskolc 61 6 10.2
10 Carmine Miguel University of Lisbon 59 6 9.8
15 Czermann Patrik University of Debrecen 58 6 9.7
10 Ventat Tom University of Liège 57 6 9.5
15 Soerensen Brage Vejlgaard Norwegian University of Science and Technology 55 6 9.2
4 Krizan Aljaz University of Ljubljana 55 6 9.2
8 Tejada Camacho Andres University of Seville 55 6 9.2
4 Marangon Davide Turin Polytechnic 55 6 9.2
3 Romerio Filippo Turin Polytechnic 54 6 9.0
4 Varga Sandor University of Debrecen 54 6 9.0
9 Gillet Martin University of Liège 54 6 9.0
7 Pagetto Riccardo Turin Polytechnic 53 6 8.8
2 Barla Luca Turin Polytechnic 53 6 8.8
17 Casale Amedeo Angelo Polytechnic University of Bucharest 53 6 8.8
23 Pichi Tommaso University of Genova 52 6 8.7
10 Wendler Arne Technical University of Dresden 52 6 8.7
11 Kosir Peter University of Ljubljana 52 6 8.7
33 Lippai Szabolcs University of Miskolc 52 6 8.7
4 Castagne Thomas University of Liège 51 6 8.5
6 Majic Mislav University of Zagreb 51 6 8.5
32 Martini Giulio University of Bologna 50 6 8.3
32 Calenic Andrei Polytechnic University of Bucharest 50 6 8.3
15 Sunara Luka University of Zagreb 50 6 8.3
13 Gerocs Roland Balint University of Miskolc 49 6 8.2
11 Vrucinic Marin University of Zagreb 49 6 8.2
11 Gaspar Matyas University of Debrecen 48 6 8.0
6 Orliczki Matyas University of Miskolc 47 6 7.8
8 Ringen Tor Anders Norwegian University of Science and Technology 47 6 7.8
10 Vycha Ondrej University of Pardubice 47 6 7.8
6 Rener Vid University of Ljubljana 47 6 7.8
18 Klyuchnyk Dmytro University of Bologna 46 6 7.7
16 Dramalija Borna University of Zagreb 46 6 7.7
9 Komenda Rafał Gdansk University of Technology 46 6 7.7
6 Grzelinski Jan Gdansk University of Technology 45 6 7.5
15 Di Prospero Martin University of Liège 45 6 7.5
1 Durante Giordano University of Bologna 45 6 7.5
34 Ciuca Nicolae Marian Polytechnic University of Bucharest 43 6 7.2
23 Timperi Marco University of Bologna 42 6 7.0
12 O Joao University of Lisbon 41 6 6.8
5 Cian Giulio Turin Polytechnic 40 6 6.7
14 Kuselj Luka University of Ljubljana 40 6 6.7
9 Čelka Gabrielius Vytautas Magnus University 39 6 6.5
9 Kiss Kolos University of Debrecen 39 6 6.5
26 Pietras BartŁomiej Gdansk University of Technology 38 6 6.3
44 Vida David Polytechnic University of Bucharest 35 6 5.8
14 Estkowski Maksymilian Gdansk University of Technology 35 6 5.8
11 Cebolla Herrera Juan Manuel University of Seville 35 6 5.8
1 Vucic Marko University of Zagreb 35 6 5.8
15 Llano Abascal Ignacio University of Seville 35 6 5.8
10 Turic Pavao University of Zagreb 35 6 5.8
7 Loboda Zan University of Ljubljana 35 6 5.8
4 Jaszczerski Wiktor Gdansk University of Technology 35 6 5.8
22 Wenczel Bela Ezequiel Technical University of Dresden 34 6 5.7
8 Maricato Hugo University of Lisbon 34 6 5.7
7 Bykowski Dawid Gdansk University of Technology 33 6 5.5
1 Butkus RiČardas Vytautas Magnus University 32 6 5.3
5 Uosis Domas Vytautas Magnus University 32 6 5.3
2 Dias Matteo University of Bologna 32 6 5.3
33 Solaroli Manuele University of Bologna 31 6 5.2
15 Axinte Dragos Lucian Polytechnic University of Bucharest 31 6 5.2
39 Cernius Dominykas Vytautas Magnus University 31 6 5.2
13 Caversazio Gianluca University of Genova 30 6 5.0
19 Cindric Patrik University of Zagreb 30 6 5.0
7 Klepo Martin University of Zagreb 29 6 4.8
7 Turan Simon University of Debrecen 29 6 4.8
5 Varbiro Gergo University of Debrecen 29 6 4.8
3 Pacheco Castillo Mario University of Seville 29 6 4.8
15 Salvador Diogo University of Lisbon 29 6 4.8
8 Kroselj Vito An University of Ljubljana 28 6 4.7
6 Kvapil Vojtech University of Pardubice 28 6 4.7
21 Sandor Bence University of Miskolc 27 6 4.5
55 Coconea Alexandru Polytechnic University of Bucharest 27 6 4.5
43 Sabatini Gherardo University of Bologna 26 6 4.3
3 Seeger Max Technical University of Dresden 26 6 4.3
8 Molnar Bence University of Miskolc 26 6 4.3
77 Ragalyi Levente Gergely University of Miskolc 25 6 4.2
12 Altobelli Edoardo Turin Polytechnic 24 6 4.0
16 Maciulis Rokas Vytautas Magnus University 24 6 4.0
10 Vujicic Viktor University of Ljubljana 24 6 4.0
4 Cardoso Rodrigo University of Lisbon 24 6 4.0
9 Giovanetti Federico Turin Polytechnic 23 6 3.8
3 Buscaroli Francesco University of Bologna 23 6 3.8
6 Uosis Lukas Vytautas Magnus University 22 6 3.7
11 Szoke Gabor University of Miskolc 21 6 3.5
9 Pesek Daniel University of Pardubice 21 6 3.5
32 Marchlewski Stefan Gdansk University of Technology 21 6 3.5
17 Martini Lucio University of Bologna 21 6 3.5
6 Galliera Ricci Filippo Turin Polytechnic 20 6 3.3
9 Llano Abascal Andres University of Seville 20 6 3.3
21 Mainea Cristian Ionel Polytechnic University of Bucharest 20 6 3.3
27 Rzepkowski Jakub Gdansk University of Technology 20 6 3.3
21 Sabaliauskas Žygimantas Vytautas Magnus University 19 6 3.2
2 Pittaluga Alessio University of Genova 19 6 3.2
12 Hibjan Mate University of Debrecen 19 6 3.2
4 Campos Campos Jose Manuel University of Seville 19 6 3.2
1 Oevermo Tobias Edvardsen Norwegian University of Science and Technology 18 6 3.0
11 Claessens Theo University of Liège 17 6 2.8
3 Horvath Botond University of Debrecen 16 6 2.7
11 Votava Martin University of Pardubice 15 5 3.0
3 Sapaly Nikola University of Pardubice 15 6 2.5
10 Sommariva Tommaso University of Genova 15 6 2.5
15 Lang Steve Technical University of Dresden 15 6 2.5
9 PetroviČ Filip University of Ljubljana 14 6 2.3
11 Ciuffreda Davide Turin Polytechnic 14 6 2.3
10 Toefte Vegard Dischington Norwegian University of Science and Technology 14 6 2.3
5 Ortega Caro Manuel University of Seville 13 6 2.2
8 Lehen Vojtech University of Pardubice 13 6 2.2
6 Lamby Thomas University of Liège 13 6 2.2
9 Oeverli Filip Kordgarden Norwegian University of Science and Technology 13 6 2.2
6 Diaz Macias Antonio University of Seville 12 6 2.0
7 Sramek Jakub University of Pardubice 12 6 2.0
9 Marmai Robert Technical University of Dresden 12 6 2.0
15 Vallefuoco Stefano University of Genova 12 6 2.0
21 Thieme Camillo Julian Technical University of Dresden 11 6 1.8
1 Petitti Alessandro Turin Polytechnic 11 6 1.8
7 Retre Tomas University of Lisbon 11 6 1.8
8 Galluzzi Duccio University of Genova 11 6 1.8
14 Zito Andrea University of Genova 10 6 1.7
1 Pasqualetto Riccardo University of Genova 10 6 1.7
33 Camino Blanco Adrian University of Seville 9 6 1.5
20 Kranz Jakob Konstantin Technical University of Dresden 8 6 1.3
13 Andre Francisco University of Lisbon 8 6 1.3
4 Seip Fredrik Darre Norwegian University of Science and Technology 8 6 1.3
6 Sipos Timot University of Debrecen 8 6 1.3
11 Bladoszewski Igor Gdansk University of Technology 8 6 1.3
7 Gadus Fabian Armand University of Miskolc 7 6 1.2
10 Valetti Simone Turin Polytechnic 7 6 1.2
5 Rudman Andraz University of Ljubljana 6 6 1.0
2 Jacoby Ugo University of Liège 6 6 1.0
14 Kozulic Josip Ante University of Zagreb 5 6 0.8
1 Pluys Maxime University of Liège 4 6 0.7
1 Nyiri Bence University of Miskolc 4 6 0.7
1 Laš Ondrej University of Pardubice 4 6 0.7
11 Marinho Vicente University of Lisbon 3 6 0.5
4 Plechac Vojtech University of Pardubice 2 6 0.3
14 Lopes Jose University of Lisbon 2 6 0.3
12 Volarevic Ante University of Zagreb 2 6 0.3
5 Churacek Radek University of Pardubice 2 5 0.4
8 Briesemeister Linus Jannik Technical University of Dresden 1 6 0.2
18 Roew Lars Erik Norwegian University of Science and Technology 1 6 0.2
32 Fischer Sebastian Georg Technical University of Dresden 0 6 0.0
6 Marto Afonso University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
25 Casucci Marco University of Genova 0 6 0.0