Volleyball / Volleyball Men
No Player Team Points scored Matches Average
11 Majoros Balazs Hungarian University of Sports Science 126 6 21.0
2 Chone Theo National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 113 6 18.8
6 Lovas Lorand-sandor University of Debrecen 100 6 16.7
16 Drahonovsky Matouš Brno University of Technology 96 6 16.0
9 Campean Darius Catalin West University of Timisoara 86 6 14.3
1 Krabel Jan-philipp University of Rostock 84 5 16.8
10 Mehlberg Tommy University of Rostock 84 5 16.8
11 Kolarec Josip University of Zagreb 84 6 14.0
8 Toth Krist'of Hungarian University of Sports Science 83 6 13.8
19 Pérez Lledó Pablo University of Valencia 83 6 13.8
7 Veres Bence University of Debrecen 78 6 13.0
1 Garcia Roca Guillem University of Valencia 73 6 12.2
15 Provaznik Adam Brno University of Technology 69 6 11.5
2 Rodina Sergiu Octavian West University of Timisoara 67 6 11.2
7 Dragan Emanuel Cristian West University of Timisoara 66 6 11.0
9 Rabell Trullenque Carlos University of Valencia 65 6 10.8
8 Mori Ziga University of Maribor 63 5 12.6
1 Rodland Sigve Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 61 6 10.2
8 Bonnard Nathan National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 61 6 10.2
10 Jamnikar Zan University of Maribor 60 5 12.0
3 Minda Patrik Brno University of Technology 60 6 10.0
16 Rode Konstantin University of Rostock 59 5 11.8
9 Jakovac Karlo University of Zagreb 54 6 9.0
15 Korreck Bastian Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 54 5 10.8
10 Mesquita Ferreira Diogo Polytechnic Institute of Porto 53 5 10.6
7 Neumann Aaron Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 51 5 10.2
11 Bessa Ribeiro Pereira Pedrosa Miguel Afonso Polytechnic Institute of Porto 51 5 10.2
12 Novak Petr Brno University of Technology 50 6 8.3
17 Sencar Fran University of Zagreb 46 6 7.7
5 Plankelj Marko University of Maribor 46 5 9.2
16 Duarte De Sousa Santos Francisco Polytechnic Institute of Porto 45 5 9.0
9 Mydland Håkon Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 43 6 7.2
17 Gaige Theo National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 42 6 7.0
11 Preda Rares Andrei West University of Timisoara 41 6 6.8
10 Matosevic Domagoj University of Zagreb 39 6 6.5
7 Boussard Mathis National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 39 6 6.5
8 Luebcke Matthias Jonas University of Rostock 37 5 7.4
16 Markovic Jakov University of Zagreb 37 6 6.2
3 Calin Sergiu Florin West University of Timisoara 37 6 6.2
9 Hornicek Pavel Brno University of Technology 36 6 6.0
16 Dorogi Mate Gaspar University of Debrecen 35 6 5.8
12 HankiČ Belmin University of Maribor 34 5 6.8
17 Cuquerella Gilabert Borja University of Valencia 34 6 5.7
4 Amigo Roldan Hugo University of Valencia 34 6 5.7
10 Ferrari Puga Diego University of Valencia 33 6 5.5
11 Storz Eric Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 32 5 6.4
8 Lehmann Dorian Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 31 5 6.2
18 Walther Elias Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 31 5 6.2
10 Kara Zsombor Hungarian University of Sports Science 30 6 5.0
8 Hruska Vladislav Brno University of Technology 28 6 4.7
6 Schröder Soeren University of Rostock 28 5 5.6
14 Kiss Imre University of Debrecen 28 6 4.7
2 Neves Vito De Madureira Henrique Polytechnic Institute of Porto 27 5 5.4
7 Lokvenec Vojdan University of Maribor 25 5 5.0
2 Zander Tobias University of Rostock 25 5 5.0
13 Chidi Elleh Jonathan University of Debrecen 25 6 4.2
1 Lourenco Blanco Pires Nuno Henrique Polytechnic Institute of Porto 25 5 5.0
13 Jakolis Matko University of Zagreb 25 6 4.2
16 Chevalier Hippolyte National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 24 6 4.0
4 Bueie Emil Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 23 6 3.8
12 Espirito Santo Pedro Rodrigo Polytechnic Institute of Porto 23 5 4.6
9 Kun Benedek Laszlo Hungarian University of Sports Science 23 6 3.8
4 Steinriede Emil Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 22 3 7.3
2 Treyde Bartosz Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 22 5 4.4
14 Hoff Vegard Johan Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 21 6 3.5
4 HerodeŽ Kristjan University of Maribor 21 5 4.2
14 Kuljanac Fran University of Zagreb 21 6 3.5
4 Plagnet Fabien National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 20 6 3.3
14 Quintz Tamas Hungarian University of Sports Science 20 6 3.3
10 Sundvor Martin Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 19 6 3.2
7 Slavica Bruno University of Zagreb 19 6 3.2
5 Vazart Eric National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 19 6 3.2
3 Hadzic Denir Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 18 5 3.6
9 Comtet Adrien National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 18 6 3.0
12 Agachi Marius Iustin West University of Timisoara 17 6 2.8
8 Skagestad Vilhelm Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 15 6 2.5
7 Castro Couto Dos Santos Francisco Polytechnic Institute of Porto 15 5 3.0
18 Virlan Robert Claudiu West University of Timisoara 15 6 2.5
15 Vuletic-antic Filip University of Zagreb 15 6 2.5
15 Fenyo Balazs Hungarian University of Sports Science 15 6 2.5
13 Semprimoznik MatevŽ University of Maribor 14 5 2.8
13 Winter Laszlo Zeteny Hungarian University of Sports Science 13 6 2.2
11 Deutloff Johannes University of Rostock 12 5 2.4
6 Angele Simon Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 12 5 2.4
4 Elias Balazs Hungarian University of Sports Science 11 6 1.8
1 Hribernik Ziga University of Maribor 11 5 2.2
14 Gomes De Sousa Pedro Andre Polytechnic Institute of Porto 10 5 2.0
1 Omoboni Antoine National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 10 6 1.7
8 Klacik Adam University of Debrecen 7 6 1.2
11 Hesthamar Hauge Simen Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 7 6 1.2
3 Mesner Anze University of Maribor 6 5 1.2
2 Nagy Tamas Hungarian University of Sports Science 6 6 1.0
5 Pereira De Oliveira Jose Rafael Polytechnic Institute of Porto 6 5 1.2
2 Dr. Arvai Peter University of Debrecen 5 6 0.8
5 Siebelt Dominik Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 5 5 1.0
8 Mico Baldres Victor University of Valencia 4 6 0.7
14 Pflueger Fynn Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 4 5 0.8
5 Viken Kjetil Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 4 6 0.7
7 Gyenes Mario Viktor Hungarian University of Sports Science 4 6 0.7
11 Adamec Ondřej Brno University of Technology 3 6 0.5
7 Tufta Gaugstad Sturla Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 3 6 0.5
2 Kavnik AndraŽ University of Maribor 2 5 0.4
2 Solberg Eivind Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 2 6 0.3
6 Guimaraes Dos Santos Rothes Barbosa Eduardo Maria Polytechnic Institute of Porto 2 5 0.4
7 Pohl Leon University of Rostock 2 5 0.4
6 Moraru Ioan Dorin West University of Timisoara 2 6 0.3
13 Lippke Moritz University of Rostock 2 5 0.4
12 Caparros Louis National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 2 6 0.3
12 Haseloff Gregor University of Rostock 2 5 0.4
5 Morosan Alexandru West University of Timisoara 2 6 0.3
10 Scholz Philipp Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2 5 0.4
9 Witte Calvin University of Rostock 2 5 0.4
18 Andrés Rubio Julian University of Valencia 2 6 0.3
6 Alm Ole Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 2 6 0.3
2 Llorens Garcia German University of Valencia 1 6 0.2
10 Gologaneanu Leonard Giorgian West University of Timisoara 1 6 0.2
4 Varadi Szabolcs University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
3 Merkler Abel Hungarian University of Sports Science 1 6 0.2
6 Iborra Ballester Hector University of Valencia 1 6 0.2
8 Barreira Dinis Tiago Miguel Polytechnic Institute of Porto 1 5 0.2
4 Badiceanu Lucian Pavel West University of Timisoara 1 6 0.2
4 Abramovic Sven University of Zagreb 1 6 0.2
9 Posta Barnabas University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
10 Javorsky Lukas Brno University of Technology 1 6 0.2
3 Balazs Pal University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
5 Schroder Till University of Rostock 1 5 0.2
6 Sakota Matej University of Zagreb 1 6 0.2
18 Kramer Tim University of Rostock 0 5 0.0
18 Rodrigues Ferreira De Jesus Pedro Nuno Polytechnic Institute of Porto 0 5 0.0
1 Sarar Ivan University of Zagreb 0 6 0.0
6 Frandel Martin Brno University of Technology 0 6 0.0
9 Porekar Rok University of Maribor 0 5 0.0
8 Bartol Luka University of Zagreb 0 6 0.0
5 Racz Illes University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
9 Brentel Jannik Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 3 0.0
1 Boldis Denis Ionut West University of Timisoara 0 6 0.0
10 Caron Maxandre National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 0 6 0.0
13 Brose Daniel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 5 0.0
11 MladiČ MatjaŽ University of Maribor 0 5 0.0
2 Cindric Gabrijel University of Zagreb 0 6 0.0
7 Valero Hernandez Carlos University of Valencia 0 6 0.0
1 Pelisek Antonin Brno University of Technology 0 6 0.0
21 Vollmer, Juri, University of Rostock 0 5 0.0
3 Martínez Caballero Pau University of Valencia 0 6 0.0
0 Kocsondi David Hungarian University of Sports Science 0 2 0.0
10 Konyh'as Krist'of University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
13 Mira Fuentes Rodrigo University of Valencia 0 6 0.0
4 Falcao De Oliveira Francisco Jose Polytechnic Institute of Porto 0 5 0.0
5 Marti Osma David University of Valencia 0 6 0.0
5 Pokorny Robin Brno University of Technology 0 6 0.0
14 Cialti Quentin National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon 0 6 0.0
3 Svarstad Simen Western Norway University of Aplied Sciences 0 6 0.0
6 Ferk Tim University of Maribor 0 5 0.0
14 Kan Adam Brno University of Technology 0 6 0.0
15 Diogo Goncalves Nuno Polytechnic Institute of Porto 0 5 0.0