Football / Football Men
No Player Team Points scored Matches Average
9 Fidjeland Philip University of Lisbon 14 6 2.3
19 Freyenmuth Joris Gabriel University of Basel 7 6 1.2
25 Sukhoruchko Danyil State University of Trade and Economics 6 6 1.0
11 Duran Petar University of Split 4 6 0.7
4 Bernard Zacharie University of Orleans 3 6 0.5
19 Isotalo Viljami University of Jyvaskyla 3 5 0.6
18 Tomola Patrik Gyorgy University of Debrecen 3 6 0.5
16 Dedukh Ruslan State University of Trade and Economics 3 6 0.5
13 Becka Kostika University Fan Noli 3 5 0.6
7 Barnick Bastian Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 3 6 0.5
10 Khrul Denys State University of Trade and Economics 3 6 0.5
92 Nordseth Aleksander Holmen BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 3 6 0.5
18 Kuhn Christian University of Wurzburg 3 6 0.5
14 Torres Jimenez Mario University of Granada 3 6 0.5
10 Papp G. Benedek University of Debrecen 3 6 0.5
10 Hansel Ferdinand University of Wurzburg 3 6 0.5
12 Udovicic Karlo University of Split 3 6 0.5
14 Tchissambou Tom-theo University of Orleans 3 6 0.5
22 Amado Tiago University of Lisbon 2 6 0.3
7 Schaeffer Simon University of Wurzburg 2 6 0.3
7 Vrdoljak Jakov University of Split 2 6 0.3
8 Ivani Paulo University Fan Noli 2 5 0.4
7 Peinado Malagon Miguel University of Granada 2 5 0.4
11 Adamik Marcin Gdansk University of Technology 2 6 0.3
5 Koppelomaki Tuomas University of Jyvaskyla 2 5 0.4
23 Soltesz Janos University of Debrecen 2 6 0.3
11 Lenart Gergo Jozsef University of Debrecen 2 6 0.3
17 Eliasch Felix University of Salzburg 2 6 0.3
7 Manuszewski Milosz Gdansk University of Technology 2 6 0.3
10 Karrer Tobias University of Salzburg 2 6 0.3
9 Kaufmann Adrian Theodor University of Basel 2 6 0.3
17 Viegas Luis University of Lisbon 1 6 0.2
6 Sabau Petru Sergiu Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 1 6 0.2
14 Fleige Elias University of Salzburg 1 6 0.2
5 Nunes Diogo University of Lisbon 1 6 0.2
24 Herczku Alex University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
7 PoyliÖ Olli University of Jyvaskyla 1 5 0.2
7 Holub Adam Technical University of Liberec 1 6 0.2
6 Brodnicki Marcel Gdansk University of Technology 1 6 0.2
18 Villanueva Santos Carlos Javier University of Granada 1 6 0.2
21 Sechel Toader Andrei Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 1 6 0.2
18 Weimer Jonathan Tobias Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
2 Johnson Yannick University of Salzburg 1 6 0.2
10 Vilela Diogo University of Lisbon 1 6 0.2
77 Roesland Mathias Moberg BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 1 6 0.2
4 Bueter Steve Bernhard University of Basel 1 6 0.2
4 Martin De Haro Juan University of Granada 1 6 0.2
4 Kurir Stipe University of Split 1 6 0.2
7 Mousset Dorian University of Orleans 1 6 0.2
8 Gomez Marquez Antonio Miguel University of Granada 1 6 0.2
8 Darda Andrii State University of Trade and Economics 1 6 0.2
11 Wuerz Philipp Manuel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
7 Toth Daniel University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
17 Virag Gergo Mark University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
9 Sandor Tamas University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
7 Hansen Christoffer BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 1 6 0.2
12 Soungalo Aka Levy University of Orleans 1 6 0.2
15 Mayr-kainz Felix University of Salzburg 1 6 0.2
9 Martikainen Elias University of Jyvaskyla 1 5 0.2
8 Feidel Jannik University of Wurzburg 1 6 0.2
15 Tochukwu Onyebuchi Toboy Oliver University of Debrecen 1 6 0.2
13 Iacomini Jona Luigi University of Basel 1 6 0.2
9 Iglesias Hidalgo Antonio University of Granada 1 6 0.2
3 Fassler Benedikt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
11 Kohout Aleš Technical University of Liberec 1 6 0.2
10 Funes Fernandez Miguel Angel University of Granada 1 6 0.2
20 Karle Julian Felix Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
23 Huber Manuel University of Basel 1 6 0.2
10 Bitzer Colin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
9 Ivani Xhoni University Fan Noli 1 5 0.2
5 Philipp-messerschmidt Friedrich University of Wurzburg 1 6 0.2
5 Zwick Noah David Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
10 Bilic Duje University of Split 1 6 0.2
10 Schumacher Mirco University of Basel 1 6 0.2
4 Verner Tadeas Technical University of Liberec 1 6 0.2
9 Lindner Lukas Matthias Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
4 Honrado Duarte University of Lisbon 1 6 0.2
6 Aatsinki Samuli University of Jyvaskyla 1 5 0.2
5 Hiermann Lukas University of Salzburg 1 6 0.2
4 Preine Leon Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 1 6 0.2
18 Wuertinger Lukas University of Salzburg 1 6 0.2
19 Gerard Corentin University of Orleans 1 6 0.2
15 Biedermann Norbert Technical University of Liberec 1 6 0.2
10 Gavrila Andrei Daniel Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 1 6 0.2
5 Horvath Tamas University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
80 Enoksen Henrik BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
13 Pranjic Tomislav University of Split 0 6 0.0
17 Schmidt-barbo Paul Frederick University of Basel 0 6 0.0
14 Cvrlje Bacic David University of Split 0 6 0.0
3 Lomonnier Maxence University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
2 Tverezenko Oleksii State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
1 Svoboda Michal Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
26 Kerber Sandro University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
11 Guerrero Aguilera Dario University of Granada 0 6 0.0
4 Blaceri Klesti University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
2 Paulus Leon Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
16 Lupa Bartosz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
11 Oeidvin Ivar BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
22 Drzak Ante University of Split 0 6 0.0
13 Perrichon Louis University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
8 Durand Gilles University of Basel 0 6 0.0
3 Valenta Ondrej Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
2 Oller Brunet Marti University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
12 Mueller Ben University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
21 Savchuk Petro State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
1 Schmidt Philipp University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
7 Demollari Flavio University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
22 Witek Szymon Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
27 Pazanin Luka University of Split 0 5 0.0
16 Niskajarvi Jarkko University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
16 Isambert Noa University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
2 Toml Jan Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
22 Stoin Raul Stefan Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
15 Schulz Ben University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
15 Jackiewicz Lukasz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
5 Torres Ocana Luis University of Granada 0 6 0.0
9 Stanciu Vladut Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
18 Barwinski Patrick Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
1 Joergner Franz University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
14 Kremer Nico Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
14 Walstad Nikolai BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
16 Zschock Vinzenz University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
21 Martins Tomas University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
12 Vegső Mihaly University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
22 Seliner Marco University of Basel 0 6 0.0
4 Peltoniemi Noa Joakim University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
24 Sutchenko Ruslan State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
12 Vana David Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
7 Andries Mario Alberto Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
9 Tuptynski Maciej Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
16 Merino Sanchez Pablo University of Granada 0 6 0.0
3 Çeliku Ersi University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
9 Mannes Chris Andre BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
6 Pircher Christoph University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
18 Bettencourt Joao University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
6 Beck Philippe University of Basel 0 6 0.0
1 Rokov Frane University of Split 0 6 0.0
1 Lana Jussi-pekka University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
1 Ravalet Melvyn University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
31 Protsenko Yaroslav State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
5 Muller Jan Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
10 Qeleshi Jorgo University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
19 Serban Radu Ioan Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
19 Goll Leo Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
10 Wasilewski Dawid Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
17 Poyatos Espana Hugo University of Granada 0 6 0.0
16 BaÇi Mateo University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
3 Jardim Guilherme University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
22 Vincze Akos University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
23 Amorim Nuno University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
2 Corre Matthieu University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
12 Markovic Marko University of Basel 0 6 0.0
15 Kolovrat Antonio University of Split 0 6 0.0
23 Ek Eino-veikko University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
10 Cechovic Stepan Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
4 Wiederer Marius University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
1 Tirian Vlad George Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
1 Volo Niklas Marcel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
13 Polonis Bartosz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
12 Morais Manuel University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
2 Jankelic Ivan University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
16 Marasovic Jakov University of Split 0 6 0.0
20 Waroux Nicolas University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
15 Ammann Aaron University of Basel 0 6 0.0
20 Labrovic Marino University of Split 0 6 0.0
12 Jarvinen Viljami University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
4 Pravuk Yurii State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
21 Camrda Simon Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
6 Grill Linus University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
15 Filovani Vangjel University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
20 Stoianovici Adrian Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
15 Holzenkamp Tim Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
11 Empl Harald University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
20 Neves Rodrigo University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
10 Punsvik Sigurd BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
3 Drnasin Duje University of Split 0 6 0.0
14 Vanttaja Ville University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
18 Theillaumas Loan University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
0 Kulhanek David Technical University of Liberec 0 5 0.0
3 Reinhart Nicolas University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
0 Prykhodko Nazar State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
18 Ianc Sergiu Ionut Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
8 Lulinski Lukasz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
17 Ferhati Martin University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
3 Dochita Gheorghe Raul Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
19 Sztuka Kacper Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
4 Burgstaller Martin University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
8 Mendes Joao University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
3 Al-sheraji Rauf Mohamed University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
1 Riccio Mark University of Basel 0 6 0.0
24 Mijic Ante University of Split 0 6 0.0
15 Tiainen Topias University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
8 Vasseur Thomas University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
14 Lyga Oleg State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
2 Petrut David Andrei Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
13 Kemmerzell Sven University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
5 Golc Jakub Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
11 Kocaqi Rafail University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
16 Simandan Marius Sebastian Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
3 Skottner Lucas Furnes BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
9 Josupeit Jannik University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
6 Heller Marcel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
16 Lier Carl Anton BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
8 Zelger Samuel University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
15 Pereira Henrique University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
1 Lisztes Bence University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
9 Budimir Marin University of Split 0 6 0.0
10 Madetoja Joonas University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
6 Fournier Elie University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
17 Romanenko Andrii State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
17 Ceska Filip Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
5 Sakhno Oleksandr State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
17 Borhan Ionut Raul Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
12 Strzelecki Krzysztof Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
21 Navarro Cardenas Alvaro University of Granada 0 6 0.0
6 Franco Tiago University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
6 Skog Amandus Abrahamsen BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
9 Holzreiter Manuel University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
16 Santos Diogo University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
11 Boumancha Malcom University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
14 Gvozdenovic Tomo University of Basel 0 6 0.0
8 Prolic Josip University of Split 0 6 0.0
3 Huusko Julius University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
5 Rigot Alexis University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
35 Bushniak Hlib State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
16 Jeseta Jiri Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
1 Beqiri Jurgest University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
11 Brad Nicholas Cristian Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
17 Ewertowski Grzegorz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
7 Teves Francisco University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
0 Pettersen Markus Hessen BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
2 Ventura Pedro University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
9 Berthe Matteo University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
5 Ivancevic Duje University of Split 0 6 0.0
13 Ojala Kalle University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
26 Savchuk Oleksandr State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
16 Berberich Lukas University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
13 Caballero Santiago Francisco Fernando University of Granada 0 6 0.0
2 Lipollari Devis University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
8 Ursoi Robert Dacian Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
20 Januszkiewicz Cezary Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
7 Brandstetter Severin University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
13 Barateiro Pedro University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
6 Trencsenyi Bence University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
5 Fasteland Martin BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
8 Kemppainen Leevi University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
10 Vieville Baptiste University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
7 Rohrbach Ben Louis University of Basel 0 6 0.0
6 Sivakumar Kiran Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
18 Tarvainen Juuso University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
9 Glas Hannes University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
11 Babych Rostyslav State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
8 Pek Patrik Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
17 Berberich Elias University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
3 Herrera Munoz Fernando University of Granada 0 6 0.0
77 Agolli Enrik University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
15 Girna Vladut Ovidiu Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
13 Knodel Manuel Helmut Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
4 Anuszewski Mateusz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
14 Pinczes Krisztian University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
69 Thrana Johannes Ho Hetland BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
11 Mueller Luke University of Basel 0 6 0.0
19 Balcar Jaroslav Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
2 Huertas Gonzalez Francisco University of Granada 0 6 0.0
7 Ilchenko Artem State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
13 Savin Antonio Ionut Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
14 Zelenskiy Egor University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
14 Bozym Jan Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
6 Lopez Montes Cristian University of Granada 0 6 0.0
5 Demaj Angelo University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
12 Sirb Beniamin Sorin Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
16 Opatowski Ron Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 3 0.0
8 Hadebe Markus Sortland BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
8 Mahler Nicolas Lennart Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
99 Hollum Haavard Ekseth BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
13 Rudigier Johann University of Salzburg 0 6 0.0
1 Arede Rodrigo University of Lisbon 0 6 0.0
8 Varga Balazs University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
23 Kargotic Ivan University of Split 0 6 0.0
17 Arponen Samuel University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
17 Horellou Hugo University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
23 Maksymets Serhii State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
18 Mlejnek Stanislav Technical University of Liberec 0 6 0.0
18 Strilets Artem State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
5 Hera Raul Alin Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad 0 6 0.0
3 Szulkowski Milosz Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
1 Solera Solana Francisco Adrian University of Granada 0 6 0.0
14 Kapllani Franko University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
21 Szabo Levente Geza University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0
4 Innerdal Mathias BI Norwegian Business School Bergen 0 6 0.0
15 Muller Colin University of Orleans 0 6 0.0
6 Sestan Luka University of Split 0 6 0.0
20 Rinta-halkola Jani University of Jyvaskyla 0 5 0.0
19 Kravchenko Bohdan State University of Trade and Economics 0 6 0.0
11 Broer David University of Wurzburg 0 6 0.0
6 Isufi Ronaldo University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
17 Kieburg Joshua Paul Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 0 6 0.0
1 Skowronek Marcin Gdansk University of Technology 0 6 0.0
15 Daxer Soto Paul Eduard University of Granada 0 6 0.0
12 Ago Xhuljano University Fan Noli 0 5 0.0
4 Lakatos Benjamin Csaba University of Debrecen 0 6 0.0