Platform development
EUSA General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy
This platform is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Water Polo / Men
Group phase / Group A / Game 1 | Žusterna Olympic Swimming Pool |
Lodz University of Technology POL |
16 : 14
19:20 FINISHED |
Institute of Technology Aachen GER |
Water Polo / Men
Group phase / Group A / Game 6 | Žusterna Olympic Swimming Pool |
Rhine-Westphalia Institute of Technology Aachen GER |
10 : 12
20:45 FINISHED |
Budapest Business School HUN |
Water Polo / Men
Group phase / Group A / Game 7 | Žusterna Olympic Swimming Pool |
Rhine-Westphalia Institute of Technology Aachen GER |
16 : 6
19:20 FINISHED |
St.Cyril Uni Skopje MKD |
Water Polo / Men
Group phase / Group A / Game 10 | Žusterna Olympic Swimming Pool |
Rhine-Westphalia Institute of Technology Aachen GER |
20:45 DELAYED |
University of Primorska SLO |
Water Polo / Men
Finals / Bronze medal match | Žusterna Olympic Swimming Pool |
Rhine-Westphalia Institute of Technology Aachen GER |
12 : 5
17:20 FINISHED |
University of Primorska SLO |